A call to resist the coup in progress
What’s happening right now isn’t chaos—it’s calculated. A carefully orchestrated dismantling of democracy is unfolding, led by billionaire elites and their enablers
What’s happening right now isn’t chaos—it’s calculated. A carefully orchestrated dismantling of democracy is unfolding, led by billionaire elites and their enablers
The latest PEC issue of PeaceNotes is here! This edition brings you updates on PEC events and initiatives, along with local and global news, including articles on divestment efforts, gun violence prevention, nuclear disarmament, and the humanitarian crisis in Sudan. …
As an Africanist, I have been frustrated throughout my professional life with the lack of meaningful coverage of African stories, particularly of stories that focus on the positive developments throughout the continent.
The Peace Education Center – working with Lansing-area organizations and individuals in the Coalition for a Free Palestine – has joined the millions in the U.S. and across the globe to demand an end to this horrendous war
Greater Lansing area activist support Gaza- brave bus journey to a rally to Washington D.C.
The latest Israel-Hamas war has quickly become the deadliest and most destructive of the five wars fought between the sides