Author: Peace Ed
Kenya LGBTQ Human Rights Violations
Gilbert Kagarura, LGBT Refugee Spokesman for the LGBT community in the Kakuma Refugee camp, needs your support.
MI Life without Parole Sentences for Minors Declared HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION
Juvenile life without parole sentences in Michigan put the US in violation of an Inter-American Treaty which the US signed. Four bills now in the Michigan State Senate end juvenile life sentences.
Budget Policy: What Do We Value?
March 28, 2017 – 7pm-9pm East Lansing Public Library, 950 Abbot Rd, East Lansing, MI 48823 Professor Charles Ballard, MSU Economics, will provide an overview of the federal budget including trends, revenue streams and expenditures. This is the first of …
Reflections on Peace, Justice and Settler Colonialism in Palestine
Searching for Justice Beyond the Two-State Formula: Reflections on Peace, Justice and Settler Colonialism in Palestine March 15, 2017 – 7pm-9pm Red Cedar Friends Meeting House, 1400 Turner Street, Lansing, MI MSU Professor of Sociology Dr. Stephen Gasteyer has returned …
Reflections on Peace, Justice and Settler Colonialism in Palestine Read more »