Author: Peace Ed
PeaceNotes Summer 2024 Issue
The summer PeaceNotes issue is out! We discuss the war in Gaza, the national student anti-war movement, gun buybacks, Ukraine, and more!
PEC STATEMENT Opposing Efforts to Punish Critics of Israel’s War Crimes in Gaza
The Peace Education Center stands against Israel’s actions in Gaza, condemns U.S. complicity, and urges protection of free speech from legislation like the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act that conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism.
PEC’S Statement on police attacking non-violent protesters of Israel’s genocide in Gaza
The Lansing Area Peace Education Center calls for educational, law enforcement and political leaders to cease their physical and McCarthy-era-like political attacks on college students and their supporters peacefully protesting Israel’s war crimes in Gaza
An Earth Day Present to the Planet From Congress: $95 Billion for War
The future of both climate and war is largely shaped by domestic and international spending, and military spending has traditionally been greater than any genuine climate investments.
Mother’s Day For Peace
Join us on May 10th from 7 pm – 9 pm at the Allen Market Place in Lansing for an evening filled with music, fun, and a powerful message of peace.
PEC Condemns Walberg’s Gaza Nuclear Weapon Stance
The Lansing Area Peace Education Center vehemently denounces the recent statement made by U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg suggesting the use of nuclear weapons on Gaza
The Gaza Crisis: The Situation, the Context, and the Call for Action
Learn more about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and action steps that can make a difference NOW.