PEC, Other Organizations Work for Gaza Ceasefire

PEC, Other Organizations Work for Gaza Ceasefire

By Laura Sager

The world is watching, marching, and demanding an end to the carnage caused by Israel’s brutal bombing, tank, and sniper attacks on the 1.5 million civilians trapped in Gaza — 70 percent of whom are children. We join with most countries, especially those in the Global South, in calling for a permanent ceasefire and safe passage for humanitarian aid to the starving civilians.

The Peace Education Center – working with Lansing-area organizations and individuals in the Coalition for a Free Palestine – has joined the millions in the U.S. and across the globe to demand an end to this horrendous war starting with a permanent ceasefire, providing humanitarian aid, Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and negotiations leading to justice for Palestinian aspirations.

We are working to educate the public about the history of Palestine and to support protests and other actions to pressure political leaders and President Biden to compel Israel to support a permanent ceasefire and to stop hindering humanitarian relief, all under penalty of stopping military and other aid.

Today, the U.S. stands virtually alone both in vetoing a ceasefire and in denying a resumption of funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency, the organization that has historically managed the distribution of food and the provision of education and shelter to Palestinian refugees.

Our country’s actions blatantly disregard the International Court of Justice’s finding of sufficient evidence of war crimes to continue its investigation into possible Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza, especially after Israeli leaders have called Palestinians “animals” and “sub-human” to justify their elimination and/or removal. 

The following represents some of work the Peace Education Center and the Coalition for a Free Palestine are doing to support Palestinians in Gaza and on the West Bank.


The most effective effort to pressure the Democrats and Biden to change course has been the tank, campaign, which asked voters to vote “uncommitted” on the presidential primary ballot on Feb. 27. (Many individual Peace Education Center members have supported this effort, although our nonprofit status means we cannot do so as an organization.)

The outstanding press coverage of this effort has put the eyes of the nation on Michigan, a swing state vital to Biden’s efforts. (The campaign does not take a position on people’s votes in the general election.) This brilliant strategy is demonstrating the strength of the public’s anger over his support of Israel’s continuing assault on civilians. If you want to read some of the campaign coverage, go to Listen to Michigan

The Listen to Michigan campaign has been covered by thousands of news outlets, including the New York Times’ front-page stories. Notably, Sen. Bernie Sanders has now presented a resolution to block funding for Israel that was not acted upon. Pressure by constituents has won some allies in Congress.

Biden has already softened some of his rhetoric in a response to the campaign, but his administration continues to block efforts for a ceasefire, for restoring UNWRA funding, and for other humanitarian aid to the surviving Palestinians dying from famine and thirst, horrific wounds, disease from overcrowding and lack of sanitation. The scope of this humanitarian disaster cannot be overstated. It is enormous.


Peace Education Center members were among the throngs of residents who packed the Lansing City Council meeting on Monday, Feb. 12, to support a resolution calling for a ceasefire. The City Council members voted unanimously to endorse the resolution. This effort was spearheaded by Lansing for Palestine, with members of the Coalition for a Free Palestine, Hurriya (a student coalition of 20 groups), and others in support. Their public comments and the vote that followed later in the meeting can be viewed here.

While the East Lansing City Council recently voted down a ceasefire resolution, East Lansing residents have not given up and will be presenting new resolutions for the Council’s endorsement.


While the Peace Education Center is opposed to militarism in all its forms, especially the targeting of civilian populations, we also recognize the right to resist occupation that is enshrined in the International Convention on Genocide. The most recent manifestation of that resistance needs to be understood as part of a continuing struggle against an apartheid regime, however much we oppose military strategies that include attacks on civilians. It is imperative to understand that history and the role of political Zionism in creating an apartheid, militarized state.

To that end, the PEC is co-sponsoring a Palestine Reading Group which is reading the “Hundred Years’ War on Palestine” by Rashid Khalidi. New readers are welcome and can contact Laura Sager, a new member of the Board, at for additional information. 

We are also planning a “teach-in” with allies in the Coalition for a Free Palestine to further public understanding and provide the organizing tools needed to participate in the global resistance to Israel’s genocidal actions. More information about the teach-in will be forthcoming. If you would like to assist with the teach-in, please contact Laura.

In addition, Peace Center Board member Thasin Sadar spearheaded a busload of residents that left from the Islamic Center in blizzard conditions to march on Washington, D.C. for peace in Palestine (see separate story in this publication).

PEC members have turned out for rallies, banner drops, and other actions, including a student-led call for MSU to divest in Israel. The University of Michigan is also being asked to divest. The Peace Education Center was a leader in the push for MSU to divest in apartheid South Africa 50 years ago and many of our Board members were involved in that famous effort (MSU was the first university to pass a divestment resolution). Follow Hurriya on Instagram and Lansing for Palestine for more information about divestment actions.

Members may wish to show their support for joining the first annual 5k run/walk named “Race for Humanity,” sponsored by Students United for Palestinian Rights. Anyone and everyone from all backgrounds and ages to join SUPR on March 10th at the Michigan State Campus to run, have fun, and raise money for the refugee crisis in Palestine. Sign up and get more information here


Tariq Thabet, a promising Palestinian researcher from Gaza, was killed by Israeli airstrikes on Oct 29, 2023, along with 15 members of his family as they struck his residential building. 

Tariq participated in the prestigious Humphrey Fellowship program at Michigan State University. 

The MSU Arab Cultural Society, in collaboration with Students United for Palestinian Rights, have created The Tariq Thabet Memorial Grant to honor Tariq’s life, along with the 15 members of his family. The grant helps provide crucial financial assistance for higher education to talented Arab students impacted by the ongoing violence. Click here to donate towards this fund.


You may have seen billboards calling for a ceasefire around the Lansing and Detroit areas, with the Greater Lansing Peace Education Center as the sponsoring organization. We’re proud to be in alliance with other organizations that have worked together to use billboards to bring this demand to the attention of state residents.

And finally, we extend our thanks to those who have worked diligently to support the Coalition for a Free Palestine’s allied organizations’ actions. Get in touch with us for more information and to get involved as we move forward together to bring an end to this unspeakable horror. 

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