Earth Day Program 2023

Links Between Climate Crisis & U.S. Miliarism

Earth Day Program with Dr. Jim Rine

Not only is the ecological footprint of the U.S. military huge, its continued growth is a theft from investments in human security from climate change, poverty, and forced migration. Geologist and veteran Dr. Jim Rine will explain these intersecting crises and what is needed to change if we want a habitable future for the world’s children and grandchildren.

April 17 at 7 PM | HYBRID
UUMC, 1120 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing

After serving in the U.S. Army in West Germany (1969-1973), Jim Rine earned is Ph. D. at U of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. For over three decades, Jim researched and published on topics in marine and environmental geology, and potential interactions of the U.S. petroleum industry to climate change.

In 2020, he helped form the Veterans for Peace Climate Crisis and Militarism Project. During the 117th Congress, CCMP helped draft with Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA-13) H. Res. 767, which calls on the Department of Defense to report and to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. More recently, Jim has participated in protests in Washington, D.C., New York, NY, and Lansing, MI.

Rine is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Geology at Wayne State University in Detroit.